The recent SONSI exhibit of nature and science illustrations has come to an end, at least for one location. During the exhibit, people who visited the Giants Rib Discovery Centre had the opportunity to vote for their favorite works of art by filling out a People’s Choice ballot. SONSI doesn’t typically offer prizes to the winners except bragging rights; this year, however, at least some of the winning entries will be published in the Spring 2016 issue of Niagara Escarpment Views magazine.
I’m happy to report that two of my works were among the winners. First place went to this beautiful painting by Kathryn Chorney. There was a three-way tie for second place, including another of Kathryn’s pieces and the following two of mine:
We’re planning to move the exhibit to Ball’s Falls Conservation Area, but haven’t yet settled on dates.
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Congratulations! What a beautiful trillium…
Well done! Beautiful illustrations.
Thanks Karen and Beautywhizz!
Congratulations, Emily! An especially fine trillium . . . I love the lighting on the leaves.
Thanks Amelia!